Couple of problems... not many... but problems ntl
~The levels don't get harder as you progress
~The fps needs to be a lot higher for a smooth line, not polka dots
~The music is just plain annoying
Couple of problems... not many... but problems ntl
~The levels don't get harder as you progress
~The fps needs to be a lot higher for a smooth line, not polka dots
~The music is just plain annoying
Last level killed it.
The 100th level was just busy-work, wait for all the hand crap, then once every minute, get the box... then "keep it up" over and over. I was expecting something... I didn't get the something i expected.
Music annoying as always
Du dUdudud dudu CHE
I love it... Its fun to single out tracks and so forth.
I wish you could press diffent single buttons faster, instead of waiting for another one to finish
GOod Except
Only three levels that are all easier than normal pacmans first level
nice coding
if you collaborated with someone who can draw really good and you did the coding, this would be one of my favorites... it already is super good though :)
That's my plan, as soon as I have all the bugs worked out. Thanks! :)X
Garrr! You TOTAllY stole my tutorial
that makes me mad... and you did the writing perspective wrong, and it's "VANISHING POINT" not "VANISING POINT!"
i dont know where you could go with this unless you made it into a game where you like feed them not too much not too little, etc...
I give a 5 just for the hyperspace...
Hehehe, I was pleased with that sound effect. Thanks for playing
you cant stop a beat once youve started it!
Hey i've learned flash through the tutorials on flash 5, and with what I've learned myself over the times of using it.
Age 33, Male
Fountain Valley, CA
Joined on 2/4/05